
Jane (Jane B.)
s. xx–xxi

11 publications between 1983 and 2002 indexed
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Works authored

Warren, Frederick E., The liturgy and ritual of the Celtic Church, ed. Jane Stevenson, 2nd ed., Studies in Celtic History, 9, Woodbridge: Boydell Press, 1987.


Stevenson, Jane, “Altus Prosator: a seventh-century Hiberno-Latin poem”, PhD dissertation, University of Cambridge, 1985.

Contributions to journals

Stevenson, Jane, “Altus Prosator”, Celtica 23 (1999): 326–368.
Celtica – PDF: <link>
Stevenson, Jane, “Bangor and the Hisperica famina”, Peritia 6–7 (1987–1988): 202–216.
Stevenson, Jane, “The Antiphonary of Bangor [Review of: Curran, Michael, The antiphonary of Bangor and the early Irish monastic liturgy, Dublin: Irish Academic Press, 1984.]”, Peritia 5 (1986): 430–437.
Stevenson, Jane, “Ascent through the heavens, from Egypt to Ireland”, Cambridge Medieval Celtic Studies 5 (Summer, 1983): 21–35.

Contributions to edited collections or authored works

Stevenson, Jane, “The Irish contribution to Anglo-Latin hermeneutic prose”, in: Michael Richter, and Jean-Michel Picard (eds), Ogma: essays in Celtic studies in honour of Próinséas Ní Chatháin, Dublin: Four Courts, 2002. 268–282.
Stevenson, Jane, “The monastic rules of Columbanus”, in: Michael Lapidge (ed.), Columbanus: studies on the Latin writings, 17, Woodbridge: Boydell Press, 1997. 203–216.
Stevenson, Jane, “Hiberno-Latin hymns: learning and literature”, in: Próinséas Ní Chatháin, and Michael Richter (eds), Irland und Europa im früheren Mittelalter: Bildung und Literatur / Ireland and Europe in the early Middle Ages: learning and literature, Stuttgart: Klett-Cotta, 1996. 99–135.
Stevenson, Jane, “Literacy and orality in early medieval Ireland”, in: Doris Edel (ed.), Cultural identity and cultural integration: Ireland and Europe in the early Middle Ages, Blackrock: Four Courts Press, 1995. 11–22.
Stevenson, Jane, “Irish hymns, Venantius Fortunatus and Poitiers”, in: Jean-Michel Picard (ed.), Aquitaine and Ireland in the Middle Ages, Dublin: Four Courts Press, 1995. 81–110.